Installing and loading the MIDI map files:
Mac – Place the file labeled MPD26_Blue.stp in the Applications/Rob Papen/Blue/Blue ECS folder.
After starting Blue in your host software, click on ‘Global’. At the bottom right of the GLOBAL page you will see
Ex. Con. Setup. Select ‘Load’ and choose the MPD26_Blue.stp file. Select the Rob Papen Preset on your
MPD26 and the controllers will be mapped to some of the most used functions. See the ‘Blue’ reference manual
to change controller mappings to suit your own needs.
PC - Place the file labeled MPD26_Blue.stp into the "Blue\ECS" folder in your default VST folder. (Usually C:\Program
After starting Blue in your host software, click on ‘Global’. At the bottom right of the GLOBAL page you will see
Ex. Con. Setup. Select ‘Load’ and choose the MPD26_Blue.stp file. Select the Rob Papen Preset on your
MPD26 and the controllers will be mapped to some of the most used functions. See the ‘Blue’ reference manual
to change controller mappings to suit your own needs.
Mac – Place the file labeled MPD26-Predator.ecs in the Applications/Rob Papen/Predator/ECS folder.
After starting Predator in your host software, click on the ECS button at the bottom right of the screen. Select
‘Load ECS’ and choose the MPD26-Predator.ecs file. Select the Rob Papen Preset on your MPD26 and the
controllers will be mapped to some of the most used functions. See the ‘Predator’ reference manual to change
controller mappings to suit your own needs.
PC – Place the file labeled MPD26-Predator.ecs into the Rob Papen\Predator\ECS folder in your default VST folder.
(Usually C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VstPlugins)
After starting Predator in your host software, click on the ECS button at the bottom right of the screen. Select
‘Load ECS’ and choose the MPD26-Predator.ecs file. Select the Rob Papen Preset on your MPD26 and the
controllers will be mapped to some of the most used functions. See the ‘Predator’ reference manual to change
controller mappings to suit your own needs.
Mac – Place the file labeled MPD26_Albino.MOD on your computer. We suggest placing it in the Library/Application
support/LinPlug folder
After starting Albino 3 in your host software, click on the ECS button at the bottom right of the screen. Select
‘Load ECS’ and choose the MPD26_Albino.MOD file. Select the Rob Papen Preset on your MPD26 and the
controllers will be mapped to some of the most used functions. See the ‘Albino3’ reference manual to change
controller mappings to suit your own needs.
PC – Place the file labeled MPD26_Albino.MOD on your computer. We suggest placing it in the Rob Papen\ECS folder
in your default VST folder. (Usually C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VstPlugins)
After starting Albino 3 in your host software, click on the ECS button at the bottom right of the screen. Select
‘Load ECS’ and choose the MPD26_Albino.MOD file. Select the Rob Papen Preset on your MPD26 and the
controllers will be mapped to some of the most used functions. See the ‘Albino3’ reference manual to change
controller mappings to suit your own needs.