
DU6675 DLP Projector - User's Manual
The User's Manual (including all pictures, illustrations and software) is protected by the
international copyright right law. All rights are reserved. No duplication of the manual or any
content included in the manual is allowed without the written consent of the manufacturer.
Vivitek is the trademark of Vivitek Corporation. ©All rights reserved. 2015
The information in the manual is subject to change without notice.
The manufacturer does not provide any statement or warranty of the contents in the
manual and clearly give up the implied warranties of merchantability and of tness for a
particular purpose. The manufacturer reserves the rights to modify the publication and
change the contents of the materials at any time without notice to any person.
About the Manual
The manual describes how to install and use the DLP projector and is applicable to the
end-user. Relevant information (such as illustrations and descriptions) is put on the same
page as possible as we can. The format, easy for printing, is convenient for reading and
paper-saving which is benecial to environmental protection. It is suggested printing the
page you need.