
The software pre-installed inthe TOSHIBA* Digital Televisions consists ofmultiple,
independent software components. Each software component iscopyrighted by TOSHIBAor
a third party.
The TOSHIBA Digital Televisions uses sol,rare components that are distlibuted as freeware
under a third-party end-user license ageement orcopyright notice (hereinafter ret}rred to as a
"EULA"). Some EULAs require that the source code of theapplicable component be
disclosed asthe condition fbrdistributing the software component in executable format.
In addition, some of the software components which are used in Toshiba Digital Televisions
include thesoftware that aremade or developed originally by TOSHIBA. These software and
accompanied documents are copyrighted by TOSHIBA, and protected by the CopyrightAct,
an international treaty's articles and other governing laws.The software components which
are made or developed oliginally by TOSHIBA and not subjectto EI__As are not atarget of
source code offering.
The Toshiba Standard Limited Warranty provided inrespect of the Digital TV is the only
warranty provided and no additional warranties areprovided in respect of the software
components subject to EULAs.
Some of the sol,rare components distributed under EULAs aremade available foruse by the
user on thepremise that theyare not copyrighted orwarranted by TOSHIBA or any thirdparty.
*This End User License Ageement ("EULA") isa legalagreement between you and
TOSHIBA CORPORATION (for thepurposes of thisLicense Agreement, "TOSHIBA" shall
refer toToshiba Corporation).