
Plug and Play - Describes the hardware or software that is installed and does not require any
configuration before using.
Progressive - An image or lines of data that is reassembled from top to bottom sequentially.
Antonym: Interlaced
RGB - Red, green & blue These primary colors provide the basis for many different colors.
Refresh Rate - Refers to the maximum number of frames that the monitor can display per second.
Usually measured in hertz.
Saturation - The amount of a particular color present in an image.
SCART - An industry standard for interconnecting audio-video equipment developed by Peritel.
Usually associated with PAL video equipment.
SDTV - Standard Definition Television usually in 480I/P format.
SECAM - Sequential Color with Memory or Sequential Couleur Avec Memoire
Set-Top-Box - box that is capable of receiving and decoding digital transmissions (i.e. High
Definition Cable Box, Digital Cable box).
Sharpness - Tries to artificially enhance the edges of a picture.
Single Link - supports a maximum bandwidth of 165 MHz
(1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz, 1280 x 1024 @ 85 Hz).
Split screen - Feature that places two images side by side.