behind bushes, wires, flakes, or, opposite, measure a distance to
wire, which hangs in front of the building wall. However, it
cannot be guaranteed that the device will always measure the
needed distance. It can happen that there will be no pulses
bounced off the desired object at all.
5.3. Mode switching procedure
By pressing Mode (M) button (3) (Fig.1) when the System is in
READY mode, you enter the Mode selecting state. Pressing the
M button sequentially scans the Modes. The Mode under
selection is indicated on the Display by flashing of the selectable
feature. The "flashing" feature can be selected by pressing the A
button (4). If you don’t find some of the modes described below,
it means they were not installed on your system. Two modes,
“Codes” and “Recall” have submenus. You enter submenu by
pressing the A button from the corresponding mode. After that
you can select the sub-item with the M button and choose your
option by pressing the A button. Each time when you make your
choice, you return to the READY state.
Note: Depending on user’s requirements, the unit can be made
with a special sub selection, providing only the options required
for the particular task.
Note: Depending on the installed software, the situation, when
the mode is accessible but inoperable, also may occur.
Cd4, Cd5, Cd6, Cd7 – reserved for the future extension
and are not available in this model.
• Cd8 – the unit will measure two parameters at once as
distance in yards and horizontal angles in degrees.
Target selection is set to Auto. The reticle shape is set to
crosshair. This is the third standard mode.
• Cd9 + – this mode sets the reticle shape to crosshair. No
other parameters of those, which were set before, are
• Cd10 □ – this mode sets the reticle shape to rectangle.
No other parameters of those, which were set before, are
• Cd11 – this mode sets the target selection to Last. No
other parameters of those, which were previously set, are