
16 Age of Empires Expansion
Unit Attributes
Hit Pts
Speed: S=slow, M=medium, F=fast
Cost: F=food, W=wood, S=stone, G=gold
Villager 50F 25 3 M
Priest 125G 25 10 S
Clubman 50F 40 3 M
Axeman 50F 50 5 M
Slinger (new) 40F, 10S 25 2 4 M +2 attack vs. archers. +2 armor vs. missile weapons,
Ballista, Helepolis; increased attack vs. walls and towers.
Short Swordsman 35F, 15G 60 7 1 M
Broad Swordsman 35F, 15G 70 9 1 M
Long Swordsman 35F, 15G 80 11 2 M
Legion 35F, 15G 160 13 2 M
Hoplite 60F, 40G 120 17 5 S
Phalanx 60F, 40G 120 20 7 S
Centurion 60F, 40G 160 30 8 S
Bowman 40F, 20W 35 3 0 5 M
Improved Bowman 40F, 20G 40 4 0 6 M
Composite Bowman 40F, 20G 45 5 0 7 M
Chariot Archer 40F, 70W 70 4 0 7 F High resistance to conversion; triple attack vs. Priest.
Elephant Archer 180F, 60G 600 5 0 7 S
Horse Archer 50F, 70G 60 7 0 7 F +2 armor vs. missile weapons, Ballista, Helepolis.
Heavy Horse Archer 50F, 70G 90 8 0 7 F +2 armor vs. missile weapons, Ballista, Helepolis.
Scout 100F 60 3 0 F
Camel Rider (new) 70F, 60G 125 6 F +8 attack vs. cavalry and horse archers; +4 attack vs. chariots.
Chariot 40F, 60W 100 7 0 F High resistance to conversion; double attack vs. Priest.
Scythe Chariot (new) 40F, 60W 120 9 2 F Same as above. Wheels damage adjacent units.
Cavalry 70F, 80G 150 8 0 F +5 attack vs. Barracks units (except Slinger).
Heavy Cavalry 70F, 80G 150 10 1 F Same as above. +1 armor vs. missile weapons, Ballista, Helepolis.
Cataphract 70F, 80G 180 12 3 F Same as above.
War Elephant 170F, 40G 600 15 0 S Trample damage to adjacent units; attack strength not upgradable.
Armored Elephant (new) 170F, 40G 600 18 2 S Same as above. Increased attack vs. walls and towers;
+1 armor vs. misssile weapons, Ballista, Helepolis.
Stone Thrower 180W, 80G 75 50 10 S Fire rate once/5 sec; small damage area; minimum range 2.
Catapult 180W, 80G 75 60 12 S Fire rate once/5 sec; medium damage area; minimum range 2.
Heavy Catapult 180W, 80G 150 60 13 S Fire rate once/5 sec; large damage area; minimum range 2.
Ballista 100W, 80G 55 40 9 S Fire rate once/3 sec; minimum range 3.
Helepolis 100W, 80G 55 40 10 S Fire rate once/1.5 sec; minimum range 3.
Fishing Boat 50W 45 M
Fishing Ship 50W 75 F
Trade Boat 100W 200 F
Merchant Ship 100W 250 F
Light Transport 150W 150 M
Heavy Transport 150W 200 F
Scout Ship 135W 120 5 5 F
War Galley 135W 160 8 6 F
Fire Galley (new) 115W, 40G 200 24 1 F +5 damage from Ballista, Helepolis. +10 damage from other
siege weapons.
Trireme 135W 200 12 7 F Fire rate once/2 sec.
Catapult Trireme 135W, 75G 120 35 9 F Fire rate once/5 sec; small damage area.
Juggernaught 135W, 75G 200 35 10 F Fire rate once/5 sec; medium damage area.
Watch Tower 150S 100 3 5 Fire rate once/1.5 sec.
Sentry Tower 150S 150 4 6 Fire rate once/1.5 sec.
Guard Tower 150S 200 6 7 Fire rate once/1.5 sec.
Ballista Tower 150S 200 20 7 Fire rate once/3 sec.
All boats twice as resistant
to conversion as other units.