
It is important to note that your progress automatically saves at autosave points at the
beginning of missions and periodically throughout levels. If you are defeated, you will return
to the most recent autosave point. If you choose to end your playing session and would like to
manually save, access the Game Options menu and select the Save Game option.
HEALTH BAR: The green bar in the upper
left-hand corner is your Health. As you
take damage the bar will change from
green to red. Once the bar is depleted, you
are defeated. You can replenish Health by
defeating enemies.
FORCE ENERGY BAR: The blue bar
underneath your Health is your Force
Energy. It depletes as you use your
Force Powers, but automatically regenerates quickly over time. If you use a Force Power
that expends more energy than you currently have, your Force Energy bar will display a
yellow bar that must first deplete before any Force Energy can begin to regenerate.
ENEMY HEALTH/FORCE ENERGY BAR: Enemy Health bars are displayed when enemies
are nearby. Visible Force Meters for Boss characters are displayed in the top right-hand
corner of the screen. If applicable, their Force Energy bar is displayed here as well.
MINI MAP: The mini map shows your current location and helps guide you as you progress. If
you are ever unsure of where to go next, follow the arrow to your next objective.
EXPERIENCE BAR: As you defeat enemies on the battlefield, you will gain experience.
Proof of true skill as a Sith, such as defeating multiple enemies at once or using the
environment to damage your foes, will net more experience. When the bar fills, you will
gain a level and earn multiple Force Spheres. When you have leveled up, a flashing + icon
will let you know that you have Force Spheres to spend.
Upgrading your Force Powers enables
you to become a more efficient
assassin. As you upgrade your Force
Powers with Force Spheres, they will
surely become more devastating. As
your powers increase so must your
level of control.
When you upgrade your Force Powers
you will find they may be executed
using different button commands. Some require that you hold a button for a short time to
charge up the power or to press additional buttons to add power.
FORCE PUSH: Force Push blasts enemies and objects away from you. This move is
especially devastating to closer targets. Additionally, Force Push can be used to open
large doorways. Tap [Force Push].
FORCE LIGHTNING: Force Lightning sends a powerful blast of energy at your target that
will damage and briefly stun them. Tap [Force Lightning].
Master, your power lies in the
Force and your ability to use it
at will. The Force allows you to
defeat your enemies and even alter
the environment. You can upgrade
your Force Powers, Combos, and
Talents using Force Spheres.
You earn Force Spheres through
leveling up your Experience Bar.
Upgrading your Force abilities
results in more efficient or
stronger attacks, such as Force Pushing enemies farther or improving the
power of your lightsaber. But certainly, Master, there are other such
benefits. It is up to you to experiment and decide which you prefer.