
06/00 - 63 of 90 - 0116 7201
Rev. 00 © 2000 Hans Pausch Röntgengerätebau Graf-Zeppelin-Str. 1 D-91056 Erlangen ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Ru
3.26 Setting the Collimator to the Cassette and I.I. Format
Cassette Format:
To adjust the collimator to the 4 possible film formats, the corresponding cassette must be
Use the button (Fig. 78/Pos. 33) to switch on the collimator light field and center the cassette
template included in the shipment so it is centered on the tabletop.
With the light field switched on, move the collimator plates using the buttons (Fig. 78/Pos.
31, 32, 35, 37) horizontal open, horizontal closed, vertical open, vertical closed to the
position of the cassette template and save the position with the Store (Pos. 54) and Light
(Pos. 33) buttons.
Then as a control, make a radiographic exposure and, if needed, correct the collimator plate
During exposure, radiation protective measures must be observed.
Perform this routine with all 4 cassettes.
A format that has been saved previously can be overwritten by repeating the save routine.
I.I. Format:
The unit can store 3 Zoom steps.
LED`s Z-N (Pos. 41) = I.I. size, LED`s Z-1 (Pos. 42) = Zoom step 1, LED`s Z-2 (Pos. 43) =
Zoom step 2, LED`s Z-1 + Z-2 (Pos. 41 + 42) = Zoom step 3.
The Zoom step is changed by pressing the Zoom button (Pos. 44).
Use the button (Fig. 78/Pos. 33) to switch on the collimator light field and center the cassette
template included in the shipment on the tabletop.
Move the iris diaphragm to the desired position with the keys Iris open (Fig. 78/Pos. 38) or
Iris closed (Pos. 36).
To save the currently selected zoom step, press and hold the Store button (Pos. 54) on the
manual controller and then, both iris buttons (Pos. 36 and 38) should be pressed either
together or in sequence.
Then the adjustment should be checked, and if needed, corrected under fluoroscopy.
During radiographic fluoroscopy, radiation safety regulations must be observed.
Since the position of the horizontal and vertical collimator plates also need to be saved for
improved radiation safety, they must be moved as exactly as possible to the limit of the iris
diaphragm without them being visible in the radiation field.
Save the position of the collimator plates with the Store (Fig. 78/Pos. 54) and Light (Pos. 33)
Perform this routine for all zoom steps.
The values can be resaved as often as wished, the old settings will be overwritten when this
is done.
After completing adjustment work, all parameters must be saved in the EEprom by pressing
the Reset button (Pos. 56).
The switch the unit into the normal mode with the switch (Fig. 77/Pos. 1), the green LED
(Pos. 2) on the controller blinks.