
Lower Repair
Disassemble t
he Lower
1. Remove the low
er from the driver; see
Disconnect th
e Lower from the Driver, page 9 .
2. Remove the to
p and bottom throat cartridges (4)
to expose the
piston rod (2a/2b).
3. Push the pist
on rod assembly down out the
bottom of th
e cylinder (1).
4. Disassembl
e the piston rod (2a, 2b), using the
flats on both
ends. Remove the piston parts
(12–16, 42)
from the lower rod (2b).
5. Unscrew th
e upper packing nut (5) from the
upper thro
at cartridge (4). Remove the o-rings
(7), packi
ngs (10), and bearing (11).
6. Remove th
e rod guard (8). Unscrew the lower
packing n
ut (6) from the lower throat cartridge
(4). Remo
ve the o-rings (7), packings (10), and
bearing (
NOTE: The 70 cc
lower 24T793 includes two
u-cups (10) in
the lower throat cartridge; the 35
cc lower 24T7
92 includes one.
7. Unscrew the d
osing valves (25) from the
manifolds (1
9 and 20). Remove the seats (23)
and o-rings (
22, 24).
8. Disconnect
the inlet (29) and outlet (28) tubes at
the cylinde
r (1). Remove the adapters (27) and
o-rings (33
9. Remove the
screws (26) holding the manifolds
(19, 20) to
the cylinder (1). Remove the o-rings
10. Clean and i
nspect all parts.