
Card Number
This field indicates which (active) cards within the interface
module the subsequent data fields reference. Each interface
module will eventually be able to support up to eight (currently
only one) T1/E1 Interface Cards, with only four cards active at any
given time (See Cards Active below).
Pos Fslips
This field indicates the number of Positive Frame Slips
accumulated at the CEC/IMC since the last Clear Stats command
or the last TEC reset. A Positive Frame Slip occurs when a
clocking frequency mismatch (at the card level) causes received
frames to be repeated.
Neg Fslips
This field indicates the number of Negative Frame Slips
accumulated at the CEC/IMC since the last Clear Stats command
or the last TEC reset. A Negative Frame Slip occurs when a
clocking frequency mismatch (at the card level) causes received
frames to be discarded.
Con MemRes
This field indicates the number of Connection Memory Resets
accumulated at the CEC/IMC since the last Clear Stats command
or the last TEC reset. The Connection Memory stores input-to-
output routing maps and thus controls the flow of audio and/or data
signals on the T1/E1 Interface Card. A Connection Memory Reset
will cause the TEC to issue a clock failure and be re-initialized by
the Controller Board.
Sig Losses
This field indicates the number of "T1/E1 Interface-Loss of Signal"
errors accumulated at the CEC/IMC since the last Clear Stats
command or the last TEC reset.
Fsync Loss
This field indicates the number of "T1/E1 Interface-Loss of Frame
Sync" error messages accumulated at the CEC/IMC since the last
Clear Stats command or the last TEC reset.
Frmr Alarm
This field indicates the number of Framing Errors accumulated at
the CEC/IMC since the last Clear Stats command or the last TEC