
The short description following the message code reflects this
format. For example: W02-033 "Out of Range-Audio
All possible warnings are listed by message code number in
this dialog box's Help function. In most instances the short
description given will provide enough information to indicate
the reason for the warning.
The data field usually contains the value that caused the
warning to be issued. See the description for the particular
message code in the Help function for further details.
The second line of the entry displays the source code filename
and line number where the warning was generated. This is
used mainly for debugging potential code data flow problems.
To create a Warnings report select the Warnings option button in the
Selection field, then choose the Display button to display the Warnings
file. The Warnings information can be sent to a file or to a printer by
choosing the Save To File or Print buttons respectively.
Call Translation
The Call Translation option is accessible from the Diagnostics Options
menu. This option allows the user to display the CEC/IMC Manager
datalog information with a filter so only messages related to call traffic
are displayed. In addition, the displayed messages are translated from a
hexadecimal format to a more readable format. A typical Call
Translation screen is shown below.