
search parameters for location requests, and the display of "Last Known
Location" will be limited by this filter.
Manual Entry
The Group and Unit information displayed in their respective
fields are not related to each other, the Unit Alias and LID are
linked to the list box directly above these fields, the Group
Alias and GID are linked to the drop-down list box above and
to the right of these fields. Also, Grp/Site Filters are always
applied to the "Last Known Location" list box. HINT: If a
unit does not show up as expected be sure to check the
Grp/Site Filters.
Manual entries also can be made for location requests. These allow the
operator to immediately jump to a unit or group that has a known ID or
ALIAS by typing the ID or ALIAS in the appropriate Manual Entry text
box instead of scrolling through the list of Aliases. Enter either the
Alias or ID and press the Tab key.
Unit Location
The location of a unit is defined as the group and site that the unit is
currently logged onto. When the Unit ALIAS or LID of a particular
unit is known, but the SITE and/or GROUP is unknown, this option can
be used by the operator to find the unit's location. Select the desired
unit from the list box. If the Auto Refresh check box is selected (along
the bottom of the dialog box) this unit will have a unit location request
sent to the MOM Controller Board about every ten seconds. This
update will continue until the operator selects another unit. The group
and site data is only updated for the highlighted unit and should be
cleared periodically by choosing the Clear ALL Location Data
Select the unit whose location is desired from the list box (or manually
enter) and select the Unit Location option button. The search may be
"all-encompassing" by selecting All Sites and All Groups from their
respective drop-down list boxes, or the operator may narrow the search
by selecting some other combination of Site and Group and choosing
the Apply Grp/Site Filter button to filter the search through these