
this box updates only after Send is performed from the
DVIM Channel Configuration List dialog box.
Channel Selection
Select a channel (1 thru 32) for configuration from the CEC/IMC
Manager channel list box, only one channel may be selected at a time.
The selected channel and its configuration data will displayed in the
edit fields above the CEC/IMC Manager list box.
Group Alias
This is the alias associated with the group dedicated to this channel.
Select from the drop-down list box. The Channel Equipped field must
be set to "Y" to dedicate the channel. A channel that doesn’t have an
alias and whose Channel Equipped field is marked "Y" is designated as
dynamic and can be used to route digital voice calls for groups that are
not dedicated to other channels.
Group ID (GID)
This is the Group ID for the Group that was dedicated to the selected
channel in the Group Alias field.
Channel Equipped
A "Y" in this field indicates that the audio channel is connected to a
DVIU and can encrypt or decrypt audio. Enter "Y" in this text box to
enable the channel for digital voice communications (dedicated or
dynamic), enter "N" for unused channels.
Bus/Slot Equipped
Each channel supported by the DVIM requires one bus slot. The ideal
configuration would be one slot (channel) per Aegis group, however,
this is not a requirement. The DVIM will support both dynamic and
dedicated channel allocations. Enter "Y" in the text box to allocate a
bus slot, enter "N" for unconfigured channels.
CEC/IMC to Disk
Choose the CEC/IMC to Disk button to transfer the DVIM
configuration stored on the DVIM Controller Board at the CEC/IMC to
the CEC/IMC Manager hard disk. If the CEC/IMC Manager hard disk
database was lost or reset to undesired values, the CEC/IMC to Disk
command would restore the CEC/IMC Manager database to that of the
DVIM Controller Board.