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You have a lot of options for cus-
tomizing how the game looks and
how it plays. This section is a brief
summary of those options.
At the bottom of each Options
screen are three buttons:
Revert <XX>. Returns the set-
tings of this screen to where they
were when you opened Options.
Default <XX>. Returns the set-
tings of this screen to the defaults
for the game.
Accept. Accepts any changes you
have made on any Options screen
and closes the Option window.
Detect Optimal Settings. Check
this box if you want the game to
automatically determine the best
graphics settings for your computer.
Overall Graphics Quality (Very
Low – Ultra High; Custom). This
is similar to Detect Optimal Set-
tings, but you decide the relative
importance of graphics quality
and framerate. (The higher the
quality, the lower the framerate,
and vice versa). Once you choose
a setting, the game determines the
specifi c graphics settings that fi t
your choice. The word “Custom”
will appear here if you have altered
individual setting to your liking.
Full Screen. Uncheck this to run
the game in a window. A window
might be more convenient, but run-
ning the game in Full Screen mode
tends to be faster.
Resolution (800x600
– 1920x1200). You cannot choose
a resolution greater than that of
your monitor, but you can choose a
lower resolution. Lower resolutions,
such as 800x600, will provide better
performance on slower comput-
ers, while higher resolutions can
provide maximum detail on faster
machines. This can be set for both
Full Screen and Windowed.
Aspect Ratio (4:3 – 16:10; Auto).
This stretches the game window
wider, or pulls it taller, to fi t the
ratio (width to height) that you
choose. Choose Auto to have the
game determine the best fi t for
your monitor.
Antialiasing (Disabled, 2x, 4x).
Antialiasing increases visual quality
— the higher the multiplier, the
smoother the image. Disabling pro-
vides faster graphics performance.
Brightness, Contrast, Gamma
Level (darker – brighter). If your
screen is too dark, move one or
more of these sliders to the right.
If the screen is too bright or looks
washed out, move a slider to the left.
This tab includes a large variety of
graphics settings. Generally, setting
them to High, or On, or checking a
box improves visual quality (some-
times by adding visual accents), while
setting them to Low, or Off, improves
performance and frame-rate.
Sound Effects Volume (low - high).
This controls the volume of inciden-
tal sounds (horses neighing, the clash
of weapons, footsteps and so forth).
Music Volume (low – high). This
controls the volume of the back-
ground music that is usually playing,
especially in towns.
UI Volume (low – high). This con-
trols the volume of the sounds your
user interface makes as it opens win-
dows, sends messages, and so forth.
VO Volume (low – high). This
controls the volume of all the voice-
overs you will hear in the game.
Player Music Volume (low – high).
This controls the volume of music
played by the Player Music System.
Sound Playback (Software-Ste-
reo, Hardware-3D). Determines
whether your software or your
computer hardware is playing the
game’s sound. The default is Soft-
ware-Stereo unless your computer
has a 3D sound card.
Use EAX. Check this if you want
the game to use your EAX system.
Mute. Check this if you want to
turn off all sound completely.
Voice Enabled. Check this if you
want to be able to hear (and speak)
voice chat. (See Fellowships: Voice
Chat, p. 81.)
Mic Test. Check this for a quick test
of your microphone for voice chat.
Hands Free Voice. Check this if
you do not want to have to press
a key to speak in voice chat. (The
default is unchecked, and there is
no default key for voice chat.)
The remaining audio options are
for voice chat:
Voice Volume (low – high). This
controls the volume of incoming
voice chat.
Voice Microphone Gain (low
– high). This controls how greatly
your own voice chat is magnifi ed.
Voice Capture Threshold (low
– high). This determines how loud a
sound must be to be picked up and
broadcast through voice chat.
Voice Playback Latency (low
– high). This determines how long
incoming voice chat is held before
it is played to you. A low value gets
the chat to you faster, while a high
value has more time to “assemble”
the incoming chat and deliver it
with less interference.
Voice Playback Device, Voice
Capture Device. These two drop-
down menus display all devices
connected to your computer that
can be used for incoming (playback)
and outgoing (capture) voice chat.
Choose the one(s) you want.
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