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Stance: Strength 4 (Ranged) A stance which increases damage and penetration of shots,
while increasing Power cost and threat of attacks. While in a stance,
your chance to evade ranged attacks is increased.
Musical Instrument 5 (Passive Skill) Profi ciency
Set Trap 6 (Nature) Your survival skills enable you to lay traps for enemies which
can hold them in place. This skill is easily interrupted.
Blindside 8 (Melee) You are able to divert enemy’s attention with a single melee
strike, and follow it with a single bow attack at close range.
Focus 10 (Focus) Before combat, you may rapidly increase your focus. Focus is
required to use some bow skills and is lost if you move.
Medium Armour 10 (Passive Skill) Profi ciency
Penetrating Shot 10 (Focus) An extremely damaging shot that is able to pierce the armour
of your enemy, ignoring 10% of its damage reduction.
Find the Path 12 (Warfaring) Your skill as a tracker allows you to increase the speed
with which your fellowship can run across terrain. Entering combat
disables this ability.
Passage of Nature 12 (Nature) Your skill as a tracker allows you to detect the presence of
nearby beasts and other natural creatures.
Rain of Arrows 14 (Focus) You rain arrows down upon your enemies, allowing you to hit
multiple targets.
One-Handed Clubs 15 (Passive Skill) Profi ciency
15 (Passive Skill) Profi ciency
One-Handed Maces 15 (Passive Skill) Profi ciency
Low Cut 16 (Melee) You can make a low cut in front of you which can temporarily
slow the movement speed of up to 2 of your enemies.
Purge Poison 16 (Nature) Your survival lore allows you to use naturally occurring
medicines to purge poisons from an ally.
Stance: Precision 18 (Ranged) You take a stance which decreases the possibility that your
enemies will avoid your shots. While in a stance, your chance to evade
ranged attacks is increased.
Bright Campfi re 20 (Nature) Your survival skills enable you to make your fellowship
comfortable in the wild, increasing their recovery and enabling some
crafting skills. The campfi re lasts for 3 minutes.
Dual Wielding 20 (Passive Skill) Profi ciency
Intent Concentration 20 (Focus) In a desperate time, you can instantly reach full focus.
Needful Haste 20 (Focus) You can sacrifi ce some of your focus to make ranged attacks
at a faster rate.
Spear 20 (Passive Skill) Profi ciency
Initial Status
Morale 90 / Power 125
Might 8 / Agility 14 / Vitality 10 / Will 14 / Fate 11
Light Armour, Bows, Daggers, One-Handed Axes,
One-Handed Swords
Races. Dwarf, Elf, Hobbit, Man
Role. Nuker
Tracker, pathfi nder and master of the bow, the keen-eyed
Hunter can fi re arrows to devastating effect. Archery is
not the only thing in which the Hunter excels, for she can
lead her companions through Middle-
earth faster than they could travel on
their own, and can set traps to ambush
enemies. While the Hunter has decent
close combat skills, she would rather let
her bow do the work.
The Hunter will be the class of choice
for players who enjoy striking a target at range. Clever by nature, Hunters are
known to lure their targets into traps to hinder them, giving them time to
use their bows to deadly effect. A Hunter’s knowledge of nature also provides
skills that help her and her fellows survive in the wild. Their combat style
depends on their ability to wound targets while staying out of harm’s way.
Focus. Hunters have a Focus meter above their Auto-attack button. Focus is
increased by the use of several lower-level ranged skills, including Swift Bow
and Barbed Arrow; the “Focus” skill will completely fi ll your Focus meter.
As your Focus meter fi lls, you will be able to unlock more devastating skills.
Note that moving even slightly will start to empty your Focus meter.
Barbed Arrow 1 (Ranged) Your arrow can cause a wound that bleeds and slightly
slows movement speed.
Improved Range 1 You are so skilled with ranged weapons that you can attack from a
greater distance than others.
Quick Shot 1 (Ranged) You can nock and loose an arrow quickly.
Swift Stroke 1 (Melee) A fast, damaging melee attack.
Swift Bow 2 (Ranged) You are able to loose two missiles in rapid succession.
Scourging Blow 4 (Melee) This attack wounds your foe, dealing additional damage if the
enemy is suffering from your Barbed Arrow. However, using this skill
will stop the bleeding.
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