My thermostat is blank; does it need a new battery and how do I install one?

Asked by Melissa on 11/23/2013 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 11 years, 1 month ago

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5 1. Open the thermostat and press all buttons and look to see if a low battery warning shows on the screen. 2. If a low battery icon shows or the thermostat is not responding, pull the front part of the thermostat away from the back part to expose the location where new batteries should be inserted. (You might need a screwdriver to do this depending on the thermostat you have.) 3. Insert the new batteries and replace the front of the thermostat and see if it begins working properly. If it is still not working after inserting batteries, the thermostat might have a circuit problem which would require either a new thermostat or a technician to come out and take a look. I hope this was helpful and gets your thermostat working again!
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