Wireless Thermometer - It beeps 3 times about every 30 seconds when the temperature drops below freezing. It continues this all night long! How can I program this unit to not do this? Thanks

Asked by Jerry on 01/19/2015 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years ago

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2 It only beeps on channel 1. Switch to channel 2 or 3. Then, remove the battery in the remote sensor and change the channel to 2 or 3. If you're using all 3 channels, switch the channel 1 sensor with one that's not within earshot. If that isn't possible, remove the batteries from the monitor unit and the 4 tiny screws (you'll need the inexpensive Phillips head screwdriver in most eyeglass repair kits). 2 of the screws are where the batteries were and 2 at the top. Remove the back portion, exposing the circuitboard. At the bottom, partially under the circuitboard, is the metallic, dime size speaker. Cut one of the 2 black wires going to it. No more beep, enjoy the silance. Good luck - Dave
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