After not using the monitor for some time, I used it yesterday and was able to get b/p readings from my wrist and arm. I used a large cuff for my arm, regular size for my wrist. Even after replacing batteries, I keep getting the EE message after it inflates, starts taking my blood pressure, the little heart symbol is blinking, then when it gets to about 65 I get the EE message. It is very frustrating. Things I've done to make sure I'm doing it right: tightened the cuff, made sure the hose goes down my middle finger, tried on an empty stomach, sat for 15 minutes, re-read the manual repeatedly. I remembered that I stopped using the monitor due to this problem, but my doctor now wants me to take my blood pressure daily. Please advise.

Asked by mary on 01/10/2009 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 Hi, I've had almost the exact same experience with my HEM-712c. What seems to work for me is to take the tube out of the device and then firmly re-insert it. I had given up on my HEM-712c for a while, then I stumbled on this solution and it does work for me -- at least so far.
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