cannot program it for 2 people to get body fat and body mass

Asked by maria on 04/16/2009 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 9 months ago

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5 I did mine. You have to tap the middle to get to 0.00 position, then press set. P1 (Person 1) will be blinking, then You could set the height with up and down arrows, press set, set the age and gender the same way, press set after each one of them. At the end it will give You all the information and turn off. You'll have to turn it back on again by tapping the middle, wait for 0.00 position and press set again, then the up arrow and it should go to P2, You could set the parameters the same way for up to 10 people. Feel free to email me if You have any questions.
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