Can't find manual and not sure how to work my scale properly

Asked by Sue on 06/01/2008 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 7 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 I need a manual too!
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5 To set 1. Push the set button, you will get ------ 2. Push the user 3. Push set again the user number will blink 3 times and show 0.0 4. Get on the scale- when it shows your weight push the set button. This is your start weight 5. Then it will automatically take 10% and show your goal. 6. Push the set button again this will set the goal To Weigh 1. Push the user number that you set up the P-? number will blink 3 times and show 0.0 2. Get on the scale it will show in this order a. your weight now b. your weight since the last time you weighed c. The total loss toward this goal d. Total needed to reach your goal
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3 I looked everywhere for my manual and couldn't find it. Then looked everywhere on the internet and couldn't find it until I found this site. Thank you so much!
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