I rinsed my digital thermometer in water and now the screen is blank. Water is in the screen area. Will it dry out and be re-useable?

Asked by Judy LoBianco on 08/13/2014 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 4 months ago

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0 I think it will dry up, but the screen area will not return to its original look or use. You need to change into a new thermometer and I suggest that you need to have a non-contact forehead thermometer so you don't have to clean or rinse it up like what happen to your digital thermometer. I recommend to you a thermometer that I and my family are using it is called thermee thermometer. you can view it here http://thermee.net
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0 Well, there are different kinds of thermometer. I don't know if your using a waterproof one but I guess that's not. If your looking for other thermometer and your making sure for the quality, check out this site http://www.thermee.info/. I bought my thermometer here a month ago.
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