I have a Braun forehead thermometer (fht1000) and it's showing an error message. I need to know how to fix it so I can use the thermometer.

Asked by Amy on 01/07/2014 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 11 years ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here

The main point that potential buyers need to remember when using this model is the importance of following the instructions carefully to ensure accurate temperature readings are obtained. For example, the thermometer must not be removed from the forehead until the soft beep is emitted from the unit confirming that a measurement has been taken. It is certainly very tempting to swipe the thermometer across the head and lift it up straight away to see the reading, however patience is the name of the game if you want to ensure an accurate reading. Similarly, temperatures should be taken from the same location to ensure consistency when taking multiple measurements.

A number of customers have reported online that they have obtained inconsistent temperature measurements however on closer review it would appear that some of the issues mentioned immediately above have contributed to these inconsistent readings. There is a list of temperature taking hints in the instruction manual which are very straightforward and easy to follow. Users need to spend just a short time familiarizing themselves with these instructions prior to using the thermometer. By doing so, consistent and accurate temperature measurements are guaranteed. For more detailed about Braun forehead thermometer check at http://www.gunandcamera.com/tantrum-free-forehead-thermometer/

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