MODEL 88-509
When you turn on the unit you will see the game
introduction followed by the title screen. The options of
GAME START and DIFFICULTY then appear. Use the
LEFT/RIGHT buttons to choose an option and press the
ATTACK button to select
GAME START - Choosing this will send you right into battle.
You begin the game in level 1, your first mission. Use the
directional buttons to control the Sith Infiltrator and the
Sith Speeder. Avoid asteroids and enemy fire. Seek out
and destroy any Naboo forces you find!
DIFFICULTY - This can be set to Easy, Medium, or Hard.
Use the LEFT/RIGHT buttons to choose a difficulty level
and press the ATTACK button to select.
THE SITH INFILTRATOR - Pilot the Infiltrator in the space
missions. It has a sophisticated tracking system that allows
it to easily locate targets. The powerful ion drive system
gives the Infiltrator all the speed it needs to close in any
target it finds. Multiple laser cannons give it the punch
for total destruction!
THE SITH SPEEDER - The Sith Speeder has an immensely
powerful repulsorlift engine making it capable of
astonishing speed and maneuverability. The speeder is
Darth Maul's preferred means of transportation since it
allows him to swoop down on his foes and quickly dispatch
LEVEL 1 - Queen Amadalla is trying to escape the planet
and seek help from the Supreme Chancellor on Coruscant.
Her Royal starship has entered an asteroid field in hopes
that you will be destroyed by the asteroids and not be
able to follow her. You must chase her and shoot her
ship down before she can escape. Though her ship has
no weapons, her skilled pilots will make it difficult for you
to follow. You will have to shoot the ship 50 times to
destroy it.
LEVEL 2-3 - Naboo Royal Starfighters are attempting to
penetrate the Trade Federation blockade. Though they
have little chance, they stand between you and the planet's
surface, your new destination. You will have to destroy
30 Naboo fighters on each level to advance. There are
also some stray asteroids floating around space so blast
them out of your way to reveal the Naboo Royal Starfleet.
LEVEL 4-6 - Your next missions take place on the planet's
surface. It is time to leave the Sith Infiltrator and pilot the
Sith speeder. Flash and Gian speeders are harassing Trade
Federation forces and you are called to attack. On levels
4 and 5 you will have to destroy 35 speeders to advance.
On level 6 you will have to destroy 40.
LEVEL 7 - The battle on the planet's surface is now under
control and the Trade Federation occupation can begin.
It's time to return to space in the Sith Infiltrator and destroy
the remains of the Naboo Royal Starfleet. A stubborn
squadron of 40 Naboo Royal Starfighters is still holding
out. Destroy them and future of the Sith is assured!
SCORING - You will receive 15 points for each ship
destroyed and 5 points for each asteroid destroyed.
ON/OFF - Press this to turn ON your game.
- Press this to turn OFF your game.
" - Move up.
- Play a sound effect when the unit is
turned OFF.
" - Move down.
" - Move left
- Play a sound effect when the unit is
turned OFF.
" - Move right.
- Play a sound effect when the unit is
turned OFF.
ATTACK - Fire at enemies and asteroids.
Cruise through space or speed across land in Darth Maul's
chosen vehicles of war! Though the Trade Federation has
successfully isolated the Naboo from outside help, the
Queen and those accursed Jedi may yet foil the plans of
the Sith. With nothing left to chance, you must man the
controls of Darth Maul's Sith Interceptor and Sith Speeder
destroying any force that remains to oppose the mighty
Trade Federation. The future of the Sith infiltration rests
on your shoulders. Do not fail your Master!
" "
" "
" "
" "