Built tough.
Splendide washer-dryers not only off er the space,
water and energy savings that are so important
in today’s world, but they are built tough to
withstand the rigors of everyday use. Splendide
washers are equipped with heavy-duty springs
and shock absorbers, stainless steel drums and
reinforced cases for a long life.
The Splendide
Combo Laundry Collection 2008
Continuing the Splendide
tradition of space-saving
product design with the aim of
creating top-quality, specialized
laundry appliances for the
industries we serve.
Easy to use.
Load your wash and set the controls with ease
- Splendide’s controls are redesigned and their
new doors are even bigger - now up to 11.5”
wide. Status Indicator LED’s clearly display
cycle progress as Splendide’s washer-dryers go
from wash to dry automatically.
Extra Capacity.
Splendide washer-dryers off er class-leading
load size capabilities. Equipped with
a redesigned X-tra Capacity drum,
Splendide’s new XC combo line is able
to wash and dry bigger loads than ever
As soothing as a lullaby.
‘Super Silent’ means being able to spend time
in your condo or apartment without being
disturbed. So you can have the washing machine
on whenever you want, even while asleep. This
is possible thanks to special sound-absorbing
materials, and a new tri-phase motor designed
to achieve an outstanding dynamic performance
with no noisy mechanical interference.
Maximum Performance.
Minimum Consumption.
Splendide’s new washers are class A rated and
carry the ENERGY STAR label. This makes them
some of the most water effi cient washing
machines available. So, you’ll not only be getting
outstanding wash and dry results, but you will
also be conserving precious resources in your
building - energy and water.
As caring as you are.
Splendide’s new washing machines
feature electronic control
modules which mean they
are able to process the
quantity and type of
wash and decide the
right combination of
water, temperature
and spin speed with a
high level of precision
to off er you a better
performance and
great results
- whiter whites,
brighter colors.