QSC's award-winning MX/MXa Series amplifiers
combine ultra-clean audio performance and unsur-
passed reliability while delivering maximum power
under the most demanding conditions. The MXa’s
achieve superior performance with high-efficiency
stepped linear output circuits,ensuring solid two-ohm
operation, night after night. They’re at home on tour
or in an installation rack; in a main or monitor system;
driving horns or pumping subwoofers.MX amplifiers
are trusted by leading touring companies and
venues around the world.
Stepped-linear output technology on MXa models reduce normal system cooling
requirements and AC current draw by greater than 40%. The MX 2000a's and
3000a's dual monaural construction boosts reliability by providing separate
power supplies for each channel. MXa rear panels feature our exclusive Level 1
Open Input Architecture, which allows the addition of input transformers,
crossovers, power limiters, precision attenuators, and other signal processing
accessories. An extensive set of protection features assure stable operation
and reliability, even under the harshest conditions.
3-year warranty plus optional
3-year extended service contract
MX Series Features
High-efficiency stepped linear outputs reduce amplifier cooling requirements
and AC current draw by greater than 40%*
Independent power supplies on each channel for greater reliability
(dual monaural on MX 2000a & MX 3000a,split secondary on MX 700 & MX 1500a)
Power transistors direct–mounted metal-to-metal to heatsink for superior
thermal performance
Level 1 Open Input Architecture for cost–and space–saving signal processing accessories*
Independent DC,subsonic, ultrasonic ,and thermal overload protection on each channel
automatically protect amplifier and speakers
Patented Output Averaging short circuit protection
Automatic two-speed fan matches cooling capacity to thermal requirements.
Rear-to-front air flow prevents rack overheating.
1/4" TRS and barrier strip balanced inputs for low noise
Comprehensive LED array monitors operation and performance
"Touch-proof" binding post output connectors
THX approved for cinema applications*
* Not included in the MX 700
1675 MacArthur Boulevard
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Ph: 800/854-4079 or 714/957-7100
Fax: 714/754-6174
Watts per channelModel
8Ω 4Ω 2Ω
150 225 350
350 500 750
800 1200 1600
20 Hz–20 kHz, 0.01% THD
*1 kHz, 1% THD