
Three CD Changer with Integrated CD-Recorder
MakMake your own CD compilation frwn CD compilation from the 3 CD-changer to theom the 3 CD-changer to the
built-in Audio Recorder
Replay your rReplay your recorded CDR Disc in anded CDR Disc in any CD-Playy CD-Player
Double speed rDouble speed recording and Listen mode rding and Listen mode recording
(ALC) Auto Level Contrel Control for making perfect compilationsol for making perfect compilations
RecorRecord from all home sterom all home stereo analogue or digital sources
RecorRecord your own vwn voice with microice with microphone mixingophone mixing
Simplified rSimplified recording modes :ding modes : CD to CD and Compile CD CD to CD and Compile CD
A-B programming for ramming for recording fragments of a tragments of a track
Records onto blank Audio CD-RecorAudio CD-Recorder and Audio CD-ReAudio CD-Rewritable mediawritable media
CD CD Text to display and create track title and artist name tist name
Advance and easy programming for ramming for recording compilationsding compilations
Variable headphone output
CD synchrCD synchro for auto start recording from analoom analogue and digital sources
The CD-changer deck plays unfinalizThe CD-changer deck plays unfinalized CD'sed CD's
Large display with Music trLarge display with Music track bar
Jog-control dial for track selection, text input and menxt input and menu contru control
Erasing (of CD-R(of CD-RW)W) per track, selection of last tracks or whole discacks or whole disc
Sample rSample rate converter (accepts 12 kHz to 56 kHz digital PCM str(accepts 12 kHz to 56 kHz digital PCM streams)eams)
Auto finalize and auto un-finalize (can be enable and disabled while r(can be enable and disabled while recording)
RecorRecord control level for volume adjustmens of analoolume adjustmens of analogue and digital recordings
Design is harmonised with ReceivDesign is harmonised with Receivers, DVD and CD-playVD and CD-players
DirDirect Line Recorect Line Recording for true bit for bit recordings
Remote contrRemote control with CD teol with CD text input possibility
Low standbw standby power consumption wer consumption (<2 watts)
Gold plated headphone conGold plated headphone converter
Display brightness adjustmentDisplay brightness adjustment
Tray blocking (dealer function)
NeNew imprw improved user interface
Audio CD Recorder
Three CD Changer with Integrated CD-Recorder
Make your own CD compilation from the 3 CD-changer to the
built-in Audio Recorder
Replay your recorded CDR Disc in any CD-Player
Double speed recording and Listen mode recording
(ALC) Auto Level Control for making perfect compilations
Record from all home stereo analogue or digital sources
Record your own voice with microphone mixing
Simplified recording modes : CD to CD and Compile CD
A-B programming for recording fragments of a track
Records onto blank Audio CD-Recorder and Audio CD-Rewritable media
CD Text to display and create track title and artist name
Advance and easy programming for recording compilations
Variable headphone output
CD synchro for auto start recording from analogue and digital sources
The CD-changer deck plays unfinalized CD's
Large display with Music track bar
Jog-control dial for track selection, text input and menu control
Erasing (of CD-RW) per track, selection of last tracks or whole disc
Sample rate converter (accepts 12 kHz to 56 kHz digital PCM streams)
Auto finalize and auto un-finalize (can be enable and disabled while recording)
Record control level for volume adjustmens of analogue and digital recordings
Design is harmonised with Receivers, DVD and CD-players
Direct Line Recording for true bit for bit recordings
Remote control with CD text input possibility
Low standby power consumption (<2 watts)
Gold plated headphone converter
Display brightness adjustment
Tray blocking (dealer function)
New improved user interface