Philips PLUST8 High
Output 8-Foot Fluorescent
Lamps featuringALTO
Reduce your maintenance costs
Philips PLUS T8 High Output 8-foot fluorescent lamps reduce the
impact on the environment by offering long life and low mercury
Long life
• Extend the relamping cycle which reduces
maintenance and disposal costs
• PLUST8 HO 8-foot has the longest rated
average life in the industry
• 30,000 hours rated average life
Sustainable lighting solution
• Low mercury:TCLP
• More light over life with 95% lumen maintenance
than a MH 400/U at 67% lumen maintenance
Warranty Period:24 months
Seeback pagefor footnote)
Ideal for industrial
applications requiring
longer life
†Thislamp isbetter forthe environment
becauseof itsreduced mercury content.
lampsgiveyou end-of-life
optionswhich cansimplify andreduce your
lampdisposal costsdepending onyour
stateand localregulations.