High-quality dual-deck MP3 and CD player •
with Anti-Shock™ skip protection
Real-time scratch and seamless looping •
on both decks for CD and MP3
Displays text for ID3 tags and folder names for easy navigation•
Multifunction jog/shuttle wheels for search, •
pitch bend, and scratching
Auto-BPM detection with tap override and display•
±4, 8, and 16% pitch control for beat matching•
Housed in an all-metal chassis for rugged, reliable performance•
Single, continuous, relay, and programmable playback•
Fader Start automatically starts playback on •
crossfader move (with compatible mixer)
Analog RCA and digital S/PDIF outputs•
All information is preliminary and subject to change.
WWW.NUMARK.COM P: [401] 658.3131 // F: [401] 658.3640
SCRATCh, SEAMLESS LOOPiNg, AND TExT DiSPLAY. Numark’s CDN450 is a highly reliable, dual-
deck MP3/CD player for any DJ who needs a no-nonsense, multi-format player for
professional use. This ultra-reliable MP3 and CD player is packed with features such
as text display, Anti-Shock™ electronically buffered skip protection, scratching, and
seamless looping. CDN450 is a perfect player for mobile DJs working events and for
fixed installs in clubs, bars, restaurants, and more.