DSL setup instructions
For Netopia ADSL modems.
Also included you will find a DSL line filter. This filter should be plugged directly into
the wall phone jack. The filter has 2 jacks, one for the line to the phone and one for the
line to the DSL modem. Each jack is labeled accordingly. Follow the directions on the
back of this page to setup your modem correctly.
Be sure that you’re PC or Apple is configured to accept an IP address via DHCP.
Windows XP: click on Start -> Run -> type in “ncpa.cpl” double click on “Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP)” Or
Windows Vista: Click on Start then type ncpa.cpl in the search window and press the
enter key on your keyboard. Right click on “Local Area Connection” Left click on
Properties then double click on “Internet Protocol version 4(TCP/IPv4)
Then, Click on the circle next to “Obtain an IP address automatically”
Click OK
Click OK or Close
Open up your favorite web browser or email client and enjoy your broadband internet
For the OS X operating system Click on the apple logo in the upper left corner, select
System Preferences. Click Network. Next to the word “Show” select in the drop down
menu Built-in Ethernet. Under the TCP/IP tab be sure that next to the word Configure
IPv4 in the drop down menu “Using DHCP” is selected. You should be able to connect!