Xยต Manual
MATRIXx Xmath Basics
The MATRIXx products and related items have been purchased from Wind
River Systems, Inc. (formerly Integrated Systems, Inc.). These reformatted user
materials may contain references to those entities. Any trademark or copyright
notices to those entities are no longer valid and any references to those entities
as the licensor to the MATRIXx products and related items should now be
considered as referring to National Instruments Corporation.
National Instruments did not acquire RealSim hardware (AC-1000, AC-104,
PCI Pro) and does not plan to further develop or support RealSim software.
NI is directing users who wish to continue to use RealSim software and hardware
to third parties. The list of NI Alliance Members (third parties) that can provide
RealSim support and the parts list for RealSim hardware are available in our
online KnowledgeBase. You can access the KnowledgeBase at
NI plans to make it easy for customers to target NI software and hardware,
including LabVIEW real-time and PXI, with MATRIXx in the future.
For information regarding NI real-time products, please visit
www.ni.com/realtime or contact us at matrixx@ni.com.
April 2004 Edition
Part Number 370760B-01