
IS220 TwinScan
Metrologic’s IS220 scan engine is a fully self-
contained dual pattern laser scanner. It is ideal
for reverse vending, package tracking/conveyor
scanning and other industrial applications.
With its durable design, high scan rate, expanded
coverage and long list of software features,
Metrologic’s IS220 is the perfect fit for any
factory, warehouse or shipping environment.
IS220’s rugged steel casing protects it from
harsh external conditions. Two interlocking scan
patterns provide a large area of coverage (up to
330mm) and aggressive First Pass performance.
With Flash-upgradeable firmware, system updates
are fast and easy. The unit features integrated
diagnostics and remote monitoring capabilities to
minimize downtime.
IISS222200 iiss aa rruuggggeedd hhiigghh ssppeeeedd oommnniiddiirreeccttiioonnaall
ssccaann eennggiinnee.. WWiitthh aann eexxppaannddeedd ssccaann ffiieelldd aanndd
hhiigghh ffiirrsst
t--ppaassss rreeaadd rraattee,, iitt iiss iiddeeaall ffoorr rreevveerrssee
vveennddiinngg aanndd iinndduussttrriiaall aapppplliiccaattiioonnss..
• 4,000 scans per second of reliable first-pass read
• Two optical modules with interlocking scan patterns
• IP 54 rating
• Flash upgradeable firmware
Self diagnostics and remote monitoring
Ideal for high-speed industrial applications
Produces expanded omnidirectional scan field
Industrial strength housing
Fast system updates
Minimized down time