8 Port Gigabit Smart Switch
Part No.25004
1. Default IP Address:
Default IP mask:
Default gateway:
Default Password: “admin” (for F/W Version V3.7 or later)
2. Terminal mode:
Baud rate: 115,200
Attribute: n, 8, 1, none
Default Password: “admin” (for F/W Version V3.7 or later)
Press “?” for the first page, then choose a command by typing lower case
Press “?” after each command to get a command description
Type “up” or “/” to go back to the previous page
3. Firmware update:
When a new firmware version is released for added functions or bug fixes, you can go
to the web interface and select the “Firmware Update” command. Follow the on
screen instructions to upload the new code. Once the new code has uploaded, you
must activate it by pressing the “Reset” button on the front panel. NOTE: a new
default setting may also be updated as different versions sometimes have different
default settings. Please log back in to the web interface to see the changes.