• Pressure Rating
• Irregular Heartbeat
• 90 Memory Recall
• Displays Average
• Bilingual
• Four week blood
pressure logbook
• Illuminated start
• Fast measurement
A multi-function blood pressure monitor in a sleek, contemporary design.
The sleek new Multi-Function Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor combines clinically valuable
features with a contemporary new table top design. This monitor includes features such as:
F a s t . E a s y . A c c u r a t e .
Blood Pressure Monitor
• Pressure Rating Indicator™ - providing a snapshot of the user's blood pressure classification
according to the U.S. JNC7 guidelines.
• Irregular Heartbeat Detection - will alert the user to the presence of an irregular heartbeat
while still providing an accurate reading.
• 90 memory – records the last 90 readings.
• Bilingual instruction guide with illustrations and quick start card.
• Four week blood pressure logbook included.
Visit our website at www.LifeSourceOnline.com for more information
or call our Customer Satisfaction hotline at 1-888-726-9966.
LifeSource blood pressure monitors lead the way in technology and quality – because peoples’ lives
depend on them. Our commitment to patient-focused thinking has made us the leading primary
manufacturer in developing clinically valuable features. The LifeSource blood pressure monitors are
fast, easy, accurate and carry a full Lifetime Warranty.