
www.keysfitness.com Keys Fitness Pro d u c t s 4009 Distri b ution Dri v e, Suite 250 G a r land, Texas 75041 8 0 0 . 6 8 3 . 1 2 3 6
Lifetime Frame
2 yrs Parts
1 yr Labor
M a x i mum Weight Capacity: 275 lbs
D i m e n s i o n s : 5 1 ” L x 23” W x 50” H
Patented dual-action design delivers a full body workout
On-board computer displays continuous fe e d b a c k on
wo rkout process
Extra thick padded seat for maximum comfort
Fully enclosed drive train provides a quiet and safe workout
Transport wheels allow you to effortlessly move your AirBike
around your home or office
Commercial quality steel box beam construction provides
superior stability and maximum reliability