Owner's Manual
Installation, Operation and Maintenance
Instructions for Models SS3 and SS5
Stationary Air Compressors
/k_ WILL cause DEATH, SEVERE INJURY or substantial
property damage
property damage,
CAUTION WILL or CAN cause MINOR INJURY or property
,_ _ iNTAKE AIR, Can contain carbon monoxide or other
contaminants. Will cause serious injury or death
ingersoll-Rand air compressors are not designed,
intended or approved for breathing air Compressed
air should not be used for breathing air applications
unless treated in accordance with all applicable
codes and regulaUons,,
WARNING HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE Can cause serious injury
or death. Disconnect power and bteed pressure
from tank before servicing Lockout/Tagout
machine. Compressor must be connected to
properly grounded circuit See grounding
instructions in manuat, Do not operate compressor
tn wet conditions,, Store indoors
MOVING PARTS, Can cause serious injury Do not
operate with guards removed. Machine may start
automatically Disconnect power before servicing_
Lockout/Tagout machine,,
HOT SURFACES, Can cause serious injury, r DO not
touch Allow to cool before servicing Do not touch
hot compressor or tubing
HIGH PRESSURE AIR. Bypassing_ modifying or
removing safety/relief valves can cause serious
injury or death, Do not bypass, modify or remove
safety/relief valves Do not direct air stream at body.
Rusted tanks can cause explosion and severe injury
or death Drain tank daily or after each use. Drain
valve located at bottom of tank.
RISK OF BURSTING. Use only suitable air handling
parts acceptable for pressure of not less than the
maximum allowable working pressure of the
Your air compressor unitis suitable for operating air too_s,caulking
guns, grease guns, sandblasters, etc Depending on your
application, the following accessories may be required:
@ An air pressure regulator to adjust the alr pressure enlering the
toot or accessory
• An air line fitter for removal of moisiure and oil vapor in
compressed air
• An in-line lubricator to prolong lhe life of air tools.
ql, Separate air transformers which combine the !'unctions of air
regulation andlor moisture and dirt removal
Cenlact your nearest authorized dealer or cal! 1-800-AIR-SERV for
more information on air toots and accesser}as for your application
Ensure adequate lifting equipment is available for unloading and
moving your unit to the inslaIlatton site
NOTE: Lifting equipment must be property rated for the
weight of the unit.
Lift the unit by the shipping skid only,,Use straps to
prevent tipping
Lk CAUTION Do not work on or walk under the compressor while
it is suspended, -...........
Be[ore signing the deliveryreceipl,inspecl for damage and missing
parts If damage or missing parts are apparenL make the
appropriate notation on the delivery receipt, then sign the receipt.
Immediately contact the carrier for an inspection. All material must
be held in the receiving location for the carrier's inspection Deiivery
receipts that have been signed without a notation of damage or
missing parts are considered to be delivered "clear" Subsequent
claims are then considered to be concealed damage claims SeUle
damage claims directly with the transportation company
Lfyou discover damage after receiving the unit (concealed
damage), the carrier must be notified within 15 days of receipt and
an inspection must be requested by telephone with confirmation in
writing On concealed damage claims, the burden of establishing
that the unit was damaged in transit reverts back to the claimant
Read lhe unit specification labei to verify it is the mode! ordered.
and read the meier nameplate to verify il is compatibJe with your
e_ectrical conditions Make sure electrical enclosures and
componenls are appropriate for your applicafion
© IngersolL-Rand Company Form SCD-B77A
Printed in U S A March 2002