The Q-Series
Furman offers ve different equalizers to best suit your needs: from a
single-rack-space mono 31 band, to a stereo
15 band with 60 mm long
throw sliders and VU metering in a two rack space.
The new Furman Q-Series EQ’s are designed for use by live sound
engineers, recording studios, and musicians. These units feature constant Q
circuitry with 4% center frequency accuracy. Each is equipped with ” TRS
and XLR balanced inputs/outputs, and RCA unbalanced inputs/outputs for
the exibility to interface with a variety of systems.
Switchable to a +/-6 range for more control and better dynamics, they feature
+/-6 and +/-12 range LED indicators. Each channel bypass switch has a red
LED indicator to compare the equalized sound to the original sound, and
each channel is out tted with a clip LED for overload detection. A shielded
internal power supply provides for low noise operation. Selectable AC input
voltage between 120 VAC 50/60HZ and 240 VAC 50/60 HZ allows for use in
almost any location. Durable all steel construction makes these units perfect
for life on the road.
The Furman Q-Series is protected by a three-year limited warranty covering
defects in materials and workmanship.
Frequency Response 20HZ to 20KHZ +/-0.5 dB
THD .01% @ +4 dBu
Input Impedance Balanced 20K ohms, Unbalanced 15K ohms
Maximum Input Level +20 dBu
Output Impedance Balanced <150 ohms, Unbalanced <100 ohms
Maximum Output Level +22 dBu
Common Mode Rejection >75 dB @ 60HZ
Signal to Noise Ratio 94 dB (20KHz Noise Bandwidth)
Low Pass Filter 10Hz - 250Hz, 12dB/Octave
High Filter 3KHz - 40KHz, 12dB/Octave
Q-2151, Q-1311 1.75”(H) x 19”(W) x 8.5”(D)
Q-2152V, Q-1312V, Q-2312 3.50”(H) x 19”(W) x 8.5”(D)
F u r m a n S o u n d , I n c . l 1 9 9 7 S . M c D o w e l l B l v d . l P e t a l u m a , C A 9 4 9 5 4 - 6 9 1 9
P h o n e : 7 0 7 . 7 6 3 . 1 0 1 0
l F a x : 7 0 7 . 7 6 3 . 1 3 1 0 l w w w . f u r m a n s o u n d . c o m
All Q-Series Equalizers Feature:
• Constant Q circuitry
• XLR and 1/4” balanced inputs/
outputs and unbalanced RCA
• Bypass switch
• Selectable boost and cut range of
6dB or 12 dB
• Switchable input AC voltage
• Road-worthy steel construction
• Three year limited warranty
Additional Features:
Single Channel 31 Band Graphic EQ
• Short throw sliders
• High and low cut lters
Single Channel 31 Band Graphic EQ with VU Meter
• Long throw sliders
• VU output meter
• High and low cut lters
Dual Channel 15 Band Graphic EQ
• Short throw sliders
Dual Channel 15 Band Graphic EQ with VU Meter
• Long throw sliders
• VU output meters
Dual Channel 31 Band Graphic EQ
• Short throw sliders
• High and low cut lters