
©2002 Fundex Games, Ltd. • P.O. Box 421309 • Indianapolis, IN 46242 • Questions or comments? Write to us,
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EQUIPMENT: 12 red & 12 black pieces, game board
OBJECT: Capture all your opponent’s tokens.
SET-UP: Place the game board so that there is a black square to the left of each
player. Using the black and red tokens, each player places four tokens on the rst
three rows nearest him or black squares i.e.. 12 tokens per player. Black always
starts, and play is only on the black squares.
GAME PLAY: A token moves diagonally one square at a time, forward-not
backward. If a token reaches the far side of the board it becomes a king (stack two
playing pieces to indicate a king) and can now move diagonally in any direction. A
token may also “leap-frog” over another token if there is a vacant square beyond
and if the other token belongs to the opponent. The jumped token is removed
from the board (captured). If a player fails to capture an opponent’s token the
opponent’s token may on his next turn remove the offending token. This does not
counts as his move.
WINNER: Play continues until one player wins by capturing all of his opponent’s
tokens, or a draw is declared.