support.dell.com SAN Configurations 2-1
(Rev. 11/3/98) FILE LOCATION: S:\SYSTEMS\San\San2_0\I&T_Guide\English\91WYJ_A00\91WYJc20.fm
DELL CONFIDENTIAL - Preliminary 3/16/00
This chapter explains the different operating system environments and configurations
that you can use in your storage area network (SAN). It also introduces the SAN com-
ponents and provides examples of SANs with high-level installation guidelines.
Dell supports Windows NT storage consolidation, Windows NT clustering, and Novell
NetWare Storage Consolidation. Each of these operating system environments are
supported on independent SANs or in separate zones on the same SAN.
Table 2-1 lists the maximum Windows NT configurations that are supported by
SAN 2.0.
Maximum of 10 servers running Net-
Ware; a maximum of 12 servers are
supported if it is a backup only SAN.
See the Release Notes on the Dell
PowerVault Fibre Channel Utilities Ver-
sion 2.0 CD or the Dell PowerVault
Fibre Channel Update Version 2.0 CD
for a list of supported servers.
Maximum of four storage nodes A maximum total of four of the follow-
ing nodes: PowerVault 35F bridge, Pow-
erVault 650F disk processor enclosure
(DPE), or PowerVault 651F DPE.
Maximum of four PowerVault 120T
autoloaders per PowerVault 35F
Allows a maximum of 16 PowerVault
120T autoloaders per SAN.
Maximum of two PowerVault 130T tape
libraries per PowerVault 35F
Allows a maximum of eight PowerVault
130T tape libraries per SAN.