About the Server Access Module
The SAM-enhanced UTP cable design eliminates
complex cabling connections in your switch system.
A single cable delivers real-time, high bandwidth video
for KVM switching up to 1,000 feet between the
server and the user. The SAM's advanced technology
provides built-in memory and security, enabling you
to store server names and prohibit unauthorized
access to the server from the UTP cabling.
The SAM draws its power from the server and
supports Keep Alive functionality, enabling your
server to operate properly with or without connectivity
to the Octopus unit. Keep Alive functionality is
suspended during upgrade.
For additional information
For further instructions on hardware connection,
software setup and security configuration, please
refer to the installer/user guide included with the
Octopus unit. See http://www.blackbox.com for the
latest software and firmware updates.
Connecting a server to the SAM
If the server is not already powered down, do so now.
Plug the SAM connectors into the appropriate ports
on the back of the server. Next, power up the server.
When the server has completely powered up,
proceed to the next step.
Connecting the SAM to the
Octopus unit
Connect one end of the UTP cable to a server port
on the Octopus unit and the other end into the
SAM. If the Octopus unit is not already powered
up, do so now.
NOTE: Do not reboot the server during the
upgrade process.
Troubleshooting tips
If a server is unavailable through the Octopus system,
make sure that all Octopus servers and components are
powered up and all cables are correctly attached. If
operation is not restored, test your connection with another
SAM, or with another port on the Octopus system.
HD15 and 13W3
versions available
FREE tech support, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: Call 724-746-5500 or fax 724-746-0746
Mailing address: Black Box Corporation, 1000 Park Dr., Lawrence, PA 15055-1018
World-Wide Web: www.blackbox.com • E-mail: info@blackbox.com
© Copyright 2004. Black Box Corporation. All rights reserved.
To connect the Server Access Module (SAM)
UTP Cable
up to 1,000 feet from the
server to the user
Octopus Appliance
Server Access Module - USB
Server Access Module - Sun
Server Access Module - PS/2