© 2005 Belkin Corporation. All rights reserved. All trade names are registered
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Belkin Corporation under license. iPod is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.,
registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Wirelessly connect your iPod to your home entertainment system
Part Number Description UPC
au_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7-22868-56053-2
TuneStage delivers the pristine CD-quality sound that iPod users desire,
TuneStage delivers the pristine CD-quality sound that iPod users desire,
through a high-end, home stereo environment. Using advanced
v1.2 technology, TuneStage can transmit from up to 33 feet* away from
your stereo, free of the barriers that limit traditional remotes—such as walls,
ceilings, or windows. This great new innovation from Belkin lets you roam
and play your tunes, from virtually anywhere in your home.
Wirelessly connected through TuneStage, your iPod becomes the ultimate
remote, putting absolute control at your fi ngertips. Since the unit draws
power directly from the iPod, it needs no batteries or extra cables.
v1.2 wireless technology
• Connects to your home stereo via 3.5mm audio or RCA stereo outputs
• Includes 7 ft. RCA stereo cable
• Requires no batteries; automatically powers on or off with the iPod
• Transmitter features low power consumption of less than 40mA
• Requires no software installation—offers Plug-and-Play,
out-of-the-box convenience
out-of-the-box convenience
iPod® 4G, 3G, mini, photo
TuneStage Transmitter; TuneStage Receiver;
AC Power Adapter; 7 Ft. RCA Stereo Cable;
Supported Profiles: A2DP, AVRCP
Operating Frequency: 2.4-2.4835GHz
Spread Spectrum: FHSS (Frequency
Modulation: GFSK (Gaussian Frequency
Sensitivity: <0.1% BER at -81 dBm
Operating Range: 33 ft. (10m)*
Distortion: -80 dB at 1kHz
Power: 10mW into 100 Ohms
Typical Operating Current: 40mA
Supply Voltage: VDD: 1.8V~3.6V
*33-foot range is dependent upon
environment, number of users, and other
wireless devices within immediate proximity.