SCPI Command Summary
The following conventions are used for SCPI command syntax for remote
interface programming:
• Square brackets ( [ ] ) indicate optional keywords or parameters.
• Braces ( { } ) enclose parameter choices within a command string.
• Triangle brackets ( < > ) enclose parameters for which you must
substitute a value.
• A vertical bar (
) separates multiple parameter choices.
Rules for Using a Channel List
Many of the
SCPI commands for the 34970A include a scan_list or ch_list
parameter which allow you to specify one or more channels. The channel
number has the form (
@scc), where s is the slot number (100, 200, or 300) and
cc is the channel number. You can specify a single channel, multiple channels,
or a range of channels as shown below.
• The following command configures a scan list to include only channel 10
on the module in slot 300.
• The following command configures a scan list to include multiple
channels on the module in slot 200. The scan list now contains only
channels 10, 12, and 15 (the scan list is redefined each time you send a
new ROUTe:SCAN command).
• The following command configures a scan list to include a range of
channels. When you specify a range of channels, the range may contain
invalid channels (they are ignored), but the first and last channel in the
range must be valid. The scan list now contains channels 5 through 10
(slot 100) and channel 15 (slot 200).
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