
www.adc.com • +1-952-938-8080 • 1-800-366-3891
Spec Sheet
FlexWave™ Millimeter Wave (MMW) is a point-to-point millimeter wave transmission system that
operates in the licensed 71 GHz to 86 GHz spectrum and provides fiber-speed wireless Line of
Sight (LOS) communication links within a 1 - 6 km range.
FlexWave MMW addresses the increasing shortage in metro access capacity by taking advantage
of the recently allocated licensed 71-86 GHz spectrum. By using the unique propagation
characteristics and the wide bandwidth of that spectrum, FlexWave MMW can support extremely
high speed data transmission for short communication links.
FlexWave MMW provides fiber equivalent performance, 99.999% reliability and security, without
the high installation costs and delays associated with inter-building fiber installations. FlexWave
MMW can be engineered to operate in close proximity to other FlexWave systems so that many
links can co-exist in the same vicinity without causing interference to one another. FlexWave MMW
is driving Ethernet beyond the office and into the metro enabling the move towards a single,
scalable, end-to-end communications technology.
• Highavailability(upto99.999%)
• Best-in-classlinkperformance
• Highcapacity(fullduplexgigEperformance)
• Reducedcostperbitduetotheinherentcost-anddata-efficiencyofnativeEthernet
• Samecostasmicrowavewith10timeshigherbandwidth
• Simpleandquicktoinstall
MMW 125 – Europe, Middle East, Africa
Millimeter Wave Transmission System